
Define your goals

The big difference between thinking of a goal and working on a dream. Motivation is not enough, a goal must have specific features.

A proper Mind Set is the first step to think about the goals we want to achieve. It’s that feeling-good magical atmosphere we feel when we are positive, pro-active, when we focus on ambitious goals, raising the bar to something worth working for. The desire to make a goal come true is an energy catalyst to realize it.

“We have to awake our will to desire”.

The goal set must be concrete, defined and detailed. It must be clear what we want to do, because it is important for us, who we want to include in our journey to reach our destination and how we’re making it.

Measuring a goal means setting numbers, qualities and quantities to understand if the result has been attained or if we’re still far from it.

Setting a reachable, stimulating and ambitious goal, considering the available resources and capacities at hand, determines how fast and how easy we will reach the result.

If the goals are too hard we may be disappointed, if they are too easy our self-confidence may be at stake. For all the above-mentioned reasons, the goal must be realistically attainable.

Our dreams and goals are often lost along the way because we don’t fix a term. Knowing when you have to reach your destination stimulates the urgency and the need to do it. It must be done, of course, always respecting the people we live and work with.

“Goals are real dreams, let’s be brave and dream”

PER SMART goals (Positive, Ecological, Responsible, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) help to determine the best strategies to achieve them, we become more responsible and focused on all the activities to make them R.E.A.L.

As the Architect Stefano Candoia, BNI member Chapter Cantù-Galliano, says: “A quality planning helps your dream come true!”

Everything is possible, if we believe and engage for it!
