

“Close Encounters”

When we understand the reason behind every person we meet, we will learn how to grow up.

Of course, you can’t think encounters happen by chance and that their importance is defined by events.

I’ve spent lot of time overseeing the importance of my acquaintances, and I met a lot of people, both in Italy and worldwide.

However, after a while I thought of how certain people had influenced my life, or better, how I had allowed them to influence my life. From that moment of awareness on, I’ve decided I would spend more time in selecting my contacts and I would choose people to devote my time and space more carefully. Some years ago, I decided to change my peer group, in the 5 + 1 areas who make up our life (Health, Personal Growth, Family, Work/Carreer/Finances, Hobby/Passions/Friends + Spirituality). Most of the work has already been done so far, but I’m still focusing to find the best place for my serenity. That’s it, the turning point to understand we’re walking on the right path is how good we feel with ourselves and the others.  No pretending, only transparency and serenity.

I think every person who crosses our way has to teach us something, for better or for worse, like a lesson to learn to live better and fulfil our goal.

Our reality is nothing but a complete reflection of the lessons we need to learn most.

And think about it…what is the reason why other people want to meet us? Awareness and Focus on our reasons is the only way to face experiences resolutely.

If you don’t know yourself, you really don’t know anything.


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