
Hymn to Life

“Everything starts from 1”

Nobody hast the right to deprive us of the will to live…never ever.

I’ve gone through this so many times, but one in particular struck me. I was in a hospital for my routine visits when I saw a young boy on a mobile bed, next to my armchair. I couldn’t make out what had happened to him. His eyes had sunken, his body was mostly plastered, even his head, his jaw was hanging on one side. His mom and sister were next to him, his dad, next to a window, was crying desolate.

When doctors arrived, they gathered around to question about his exams. His sister shouted, his parents cried tears of relief because the worst had gone by and their son could go on with the recovery therapy.

His dad got close and stared at me, and confessed that a pill he took at the disco while having fun with friends had cause him to break down and collapse. He had to be taken to the emergency room immediately. There are too many victims of “the nothing”, or better, of something everybody knows about but nobody wants to wipe out for convenience, causing young victims. Life has a supreme value far beyond suffering and the detachments from life itself. We are the only ones who have the steering wheel of our lives: if we face something we can’t cope with, then we should simply and humbly ask for help to the people around us. Good is a common value, we were born with it. It is self-generating thus endless, the more good we do, the more we nourish it. The good part is, everything starts from us, but we must be the first to show and practice it, with  no excuses, with all our responsibility. 100 is made up of 100 number 1s, 1.000 is made up of 1.000 number 1s, 1.000.000 of 1.000.000 number 1s and so on. No matter how many people on earth, everything starts from 1, from us, each one of us. Examples matter!


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